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Lindsay’s Tea Party recently had the opportunity to try the Nestlé ProNourish™ Drinks in both Vanilla and Strawberry Banana flavors! Here’s why you might like to try ProNourish™ Drinks for yourself or your family members…
These drinks have ingredients carefully selected to be low in FODMAPs plus 3 grams of fiber to support digestive health. Watch the commercial!
What it has:
- 15 grams of high quality protein
- 25 essential vitamins and minerals
- 170 calories per 8 fluid ounce bottle
It seems like now more than ever, folks today have specific ingredients that they need to stay away from. One of my dear friends has a challenging digestive tract, for example. ProNourish™ Drinks are targeted for these exact types of people who oftentimes have to search high and low to find products that meet their specific needs.
- Only 6 grams of sugar
- Gluten-free
- No high fructose corn syrup or sugar alcohols
- Suitable for lactose intolerance (not for individuals with Galactosemia)
ProNourish™ Drinks are currently available online and delivered right to your door!
ProNourish™ Drinks may be purchased online for delivery to your home or office. But soon you’ll be able to get them in stores near you.
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