With Easter just around the corner…over at Lindsay’s Tea Party…we are hopping and skipping about looking for the best brunch recipes around! The perfect table settings, fresh flowers, candles, your grandmother’s crystal, polished silverware, and fanciful decorated eggs!! 🙂 Today, we have partnered with Mirassou Wine to bring you the best Easter Brunch ever!!!
One thing I always second guess myself on is pairing the perfect wines with my prepared menu and Easter is no exception. Well, LTP is pleased to share with you that the makers of Mirassou Wine have developed a handy guide to help with just that. (How cool is this?!)
Mirassou has a wide away of fabulous wines to choose from. Over at LTP, we recently sampled, Pinot Noir, Sunset Red and a fine Moscato at a lovely pre-Easter brunch! All 3 were quite tasty and had a smooth and vibrant taste. My personal favorite was the Moscato! It went perfectly with our brunch and made for a lovely afternoon with friends.
Now it’s time to create your own festive and fabulous brunch and pair it with your favorite bottle of Mirassou Wine! Use these handy Mirassou Recipes for some yummy meals for you to try on your own! Don’t forget to pair them with your favorite bottle of Mirassou Wine and your friends and family will be so inspired by your hosting abilities this year!
Cheers to you and yours and we wish you a very Happy Easter from LTP! Remember to drink responsibility and never drink while driving.
As the Editor of LTP, I receive products, promotional items and educational materials to use and share as I see fit. All opinions expressed are that of Lindsay’s Tea Party are honest and reflect my actual experiences. I would like to extend a special thank you to the folks at Mirassou Wine for the opportunity to sample its various products as well share its fabulously developed meals, pairings and recipes with our readers. Prost!
Brunch LTP Photography shared in this post is courtesy of Lindsey Marie Photography. A special thank you to Lindsey Spieker for her photography services in this post.
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