Spring is here…Summer is knocking at the door…which means my son will be celebrating his 8th birthday and Lindsay’s Tea Party has been on the search for great party products! It’s no surprise that these eight years have absolutely flown by! I feel like it was yesterday I was taking him to preschool and watching him learn the alphabet and his numbers! Well, I am determined not to “well up” with tears this birthday because he is turning “8” and as he likes to remind me, “8 is great, Mom”! I am going to follow his tone and make #8 the best birthday I can for him.
First stop, is invitations. There are lots of options out there, DIY (spend days cutting, pasting and making), Evites or emails online (often found in friends/family spam folders), but there is something that I will forever love about the actual, crisp, paper invitations! Something that says, we thought of you, we sent you this beautiful invitation and we hope you can join us for our son’s special day?! If you are like me, you get this lovely invite and you immediately hang it on the fridge or somewhere in the kitchen for all to see. The kids usually look at it with anticipation, constantly asking if the date has arrived for their attendance at the party.
I found, what is now, one of my most favorite online sources for invitations; Minted! I found exactly what I was looking for in the kids birthday assortment. The invitations are hand crafted and each unique in design and appearance. The ordering process was simple, I found the design, uploaded a personal photo, edited in our personal party details and send off to have a proof designed. Within a day or two, my proof arrived, the editor, had made 2 options for me, one as I designed, and one that they had made minor changes to. I actually liked the suggested proof better. The minor changes were exactly what my invite needed to look more professional and well positioned.
Next, I needed some sort of birthday banner to use as decor at our party site, I wanted to make one of those cute vintage looking banners, but after adding up all the supplies at the local craft store, it seemed to be more of an expense (both time and value) so I opted to not. Then I noticed that next to my invitations I had ordered was also party decor and supplies. I got so excited when I found the same vintage style banner I was hoping to make on Minted! I uploaded a few of my favorite photos from my son’s online album and within moments I was done!
Minted is celebrating it’s 6th Birthday all this week beginning tomorrow (April 1) and kicking off the celebration with a big sale! This is the perfect time to order your stationary and decor for your next party!
Happy 6th Birthday Minted! LTP just adores your products and I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!
**Lindsay’s Tea Party would like to thank Minted for the opportunity to review its latest stationary and decor products. No compensation was received for this post. All opinions expressed are that of LTP and are honest and sincere.
Kate SDDS says
We love minted! Really pretty new stuff!
Lindsay says
Thanks for your comment. Yes, definitely check them out for your stationary needs!!
laura crawford says
These are gorgeous!! I’m going to have to check out Minted soon!!
Lindsay says
I agree Laura! They have beautiful new designs too!
San Diego Momma (Deb) says
My daughter’s birthday is next week, and I’ve never tried Minted. Coincidence I came here? I think not.
Lindsay says
So fun! You will love them!! They have everything!
Angela Quisumbing says
I can’t stand how kids grow too fast! But I love planning parties and my son will be one in four months, noooo! Minted sounds like a great option. Thanks for sharing.
Lindsay says
Angela, you will definitely find a great selection at Minted! Glad you were able to see this! 🙂