Well, it was back-to-school for two of my children this last week! The start of 3rd grade for my daughter and 1st grade for my son! Where does the time go? Summer always seems to just fly by with the hustle and bustle of beach days, family trips, vacations, visiting family and friends, it’s nice to have the time together. But can I just say that it’s also nice to have the comfort of routines and schedules again?! It’s nice to get everyone back into a daily habit of waking up, eating breakfast, heading off to learn and grow, make new friends, and come back together in the afternoons for fellowship, homework and family time. In a weird way it feels good to have everyone back in their regular rotations. I am habitual Mother, I have come to appreciate the security that comes with knowing how to prepare for each day with my kids and their activities.
As we get back into nightly homework, school projects and field trips, let us not forget all the extra curricular activities that quickly pile onto our schedules as well. For us, piano, Girl Scouts, baseball and swimming are already on the calendars for our 3 children. It’s hard to pick and choose but I keep coming back to quality over quantity. How do you juggle your children’s extra activities?
I want to leave you with something I overheard a mom say to her kindergartner daughter last school year on the first day as I watched and waited for my son to start his first day of kinder. She hugged her little girl with pigtails and bows, kissed her on the cheek and said, “Be sweet, do your very best and be kind to others”. It was so endearing, brought tears to my eyes! The little girl, bounced off to the classroom. Love! Note: My son gave me a high five and said, “See you later Mom”!
Happy first week of school to you parents out there! As I have already started to get bored with packing school lunches…share your secret tips with me. What do you put in your kids lunches???
Stay tuned, Lindsay’s Tea Party is celebrating its new site on WordPress and will be celebrating with another giveaway!! Stay tuned!
Have a great week!
Rebecca Rider says
What a lovely sentiment! I will have to remember it so I can tell my son Troy when he is old enough to go to school!
P.S.: Love their outfits – so cute!
Laura Lohr @mommycanrun says
I love the routines too! I am so glad that school is back in session. It’s better for my daughter, I believe.
I got lazy the end of last year and my daughter did school lunches the last month or two. I made a commitment this year to pack healthy lunches ALL YEAR. I have been getting into the Bento lunches lately. It makes it more fun for me and my daughter.
Some of my lunch ideas:
Hard boiled eggs
Cheese or cheese and crackers
Tuna salad with crackers (like the tuna lunch kit. I make my own!)
Almonds (I put 7-8 in a bag)
Cucumbers and yogurt dip
Carrots and yogurt dip
Ants on a log (peanut butter or almond butter on celery and topped with raisins)
Leftovers from the night before (especially if it’s her favorite, like chicken legs/wings)
Hummus and carrots or celery
Homemade fruit leather
Store bought fruit leather
Hope that gives you some ideas. 😉
Susie Goutier says
I like to pack those applesauce packets, chicken or tuna salad with crackers, red bell pepper strips or carrots, and always fresh fruit!